Class Descriptions



This class combines steady and flowing movement from pose-to-pose synchronized with breath, often pausing to hold postures for various lengths of time.

All Levels Vinyasa:

Vinyasa style yoga links postures with breath to create a flowing movement sequence. This class offers a moderately paced practice; a moving meditation to grow strength, freedom and fluidity in the body and mind. Each class is unique, but may include the many variations of Sun Salutations as well as standing postures, inversions, backbends, twists, forward bends, and deep relaxation.

Gentle Vinyasa:

Vinyasa style yoga links postures with breath to create a flowing movement sequence. In this class, expect a softer, slower-paced practice combining balance and strength. It is designed to provide some challenging postures while relieving stress and deepening the mind/body connection.

Heated Power Vinyasa:

Vinyasa style yoga that links postures with breath to create a flowing movement sequence. This offering is challenging, vigorous and revitalizing with the goal of building strength, flexibility and heat in the body.


Restorative style yoga promotes emotional, mental and physical relaxation. It is practiced at a slow pace, focusing on long supported holds, stillness, and breathing. The effort for Restorative yoga is in the willingness to notice how and where one is holding tension and to relax one’s body fully so the tension found can be released. All levels welcome.

Yoga for a Healthier Back: This class will help you ease back pain while learning how to make your back stronger! You will practice specific poses to help strengthen and stabilize muscles, supporting a healthier back. You will practice a variety of modifications to use in other yoga classes and/or at home on your own.

Yoga Philosophy and Meditation Class: This class is designed for people who are looking to grow spiritually and connect to a like-minded, supportive community (Sangha).During our time together, we practice some meditation andthen discuss a sutra from a sacred text working to embody the teaching into our daily lives.The philosophy class is included as part of the 4:30 class, or you can choose to attend just the philosophy class either in person, or online.

Virtual Classes via ZOOM

Meeting ID: 751 822 6554
Passcode: 106057

Use this to join class, after you have registered for the class. If you have questions about virtual classes, please reach out to

Courtyard Studio (weather permitting): Join us for an outdoor class right outside the studio with mountain views. Bring layers, sunscreen, water, and an extra mat, towel, or blanket for cushioning.

You can register for all classes through the schedule or MindBody App.